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Maestra News | September 2015

  • Post category:Maestra News

Dear Maestra friends and family,

We are kicking of a month of screenings, with events in Oregon, Ohio, NC and DC, including two events with Staughton & Alice Lynd and a screening in the same theatre in Oxford, Ohio where the 1964 SNCC Freedom School orientation was held. Staughton and Alice are lifelong educators – including working in the Mississippi Freedom Schools – and have been tireless organizers in the struggles for justice. We are excited about the ways they connect the Maestra story to past and current work for justice in the US.

We still have requests coming in for screenings and are delighted to continue sharing this story.

For more info or questions, write us at 

Un Abrazo,

Catherine Murphy and the Maestra Team

In this Issue:



THE ISSUES: Education | Social Justice | Cuba

Arts at the Heart of Curriculum

Coppola in Cuba

GLORIA ROLANDOAfro-Cuban Filmaker

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In July we were at the American Library Association Conference with Un Año sin Domingos. We were happy to share a table with Cubana Books and author Margot Pepper and Charles Prickett. Our book is now available through Teaching for Change Books.

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Upcoming Screenings!

From West to East, we have upcoming screenings in Oregon, Ohio, NC and DC!

  • Sept 28 @ 6pm- Multnomah County Library. Oregon (Spanish language event)
    More info
  • Oct 1 @ 7pm –  Screening with Staughton & Alice Lynd in Youngstown, Ohio
  • Oct 4 @ 4pm – Oxford Citizens for Peace and Justice. Oxford Interfaith Center. Oxford, Ohio
  • Oct 5 @ 6pm- Leonard Theatre, Miami University. Oxford, Ohio
  • Oct 8 @ 7:30pm  – Shirley Recital Hall, Elberson Fine Arts Center, Salem College. Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • Oct 11  – Teaching for Change Fundraiser. Washington, DC

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Democracy Now!

Catherine shares her insights on how changes in U.S.-
Cuban relations impact organic farms in Cuba.

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The Issues:

Education | Social Justice | Cuba

Before ‘Brown v. Board,’ Mendez Fought California’s Segregated Schools. NPR talks to Sylvia Mendez about the fight for integrated education in Los Angeles in the 1940’s, listen here:

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Arts at the Heart of Curriculum

The expressive arts will be one of six areas of learning and experience that will take the place of traditional subjects as Wales approves a radical overhaul of its curriculum. Read more

Francis Ford Coppola visits the International Film School in Cuba

Coppola visit as part of the opening in US – Cuban relations. Read More (spanish)

Gloria Rolando on Afro-Cuban Culture

Beautiful interview about Afro-Cuban-Caribbean history  with leading Cuban filmmaker Gloria Rolando, who was one of our  wise advisors for Maestra.

We are currently raising funds to continue  spreading the Maestra project and to expand the work of the Literacy Project in documenting the role of literacy in social justice movements across the Americas. Follow us on social media, share with your friends, and please consider making a donation to support our work.

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Please support the distribution of this film by making a donation via PayPal.


Donations over $250 are tax deductible if paid to our fiscal sponsor Women Make Movies,